Diagnostic Imaging

Application Instructions

1.  申请pg电子官网州立社区大学招生-如果目前正在参加WSCC并已完成以下内容,请参见满足诊断 Imaging Requirements in section below.

  1. 在项目截止日期前6-8周向WSCC招生部申请. Must be unconditionally admitted to the college in good standing.
  2. Official college transcripts from each college previously attended 必须在项目截止日期前一个月提交给WSCC招生办.
  3. 官方ACT成绩必须在课程开始前一个月提交给WSCC招生办 deadline.
  4. 如果寻求经济援助,完成FAFSA申请(FAFSA).gov), School Code: 007871 by June 1.

注意:每位申请人有责任确保所有信息都是正确的 在申请截止日期前在招生部门存档. 


2.   Meet Diagnostic Imaging Requirements
      Applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of 19 ACT 综合成绩(全国或残差)是入学考虑的必要条件. Proof of score must be uploaded to online application.

    ACT成绩可以在Degree Works报告、成绩单(包括高中、 and through ACT.org. 虽然官方成绩报告是不需要的,如果订购你的 score report from ACT.org, please use Code 0083 and allow 4-6 weeks for processing. Wallace will receive your score from ACT and add it on your myWallace account. To use scores available on ACT.org you will need to print to PDF, we do not accept screenshots. We will accept ACT Superscores from ACT, but not manually calculated ACT Superscores. Higher scores will receive more points in the application process. 将文件扫描为PDF格式,并另存为: your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ACT.pdf,您将上传文件到您的在线申请.

  2. Attain a minimum 2.5 GPA or greater on a 4.0级,所有一般要求的预诊断评分为“C”或更高 Imaging courses excluding ORI 110.
  3. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. (阿拉巴马州辐射控制条例420-3-03(6),“职业辐射 剂量限制:规定所有使用电离辐射的职业工人必须 be at least 18 years of age).
  4. 在截止日期前提交在线健康部门申请和所有必需的附件.
  5. 学生必须达到所需的基本功能和技术标准 program as documented on the required WSCC physical form. Form to be completed upon program acceptance; view now for reference only.

诊断成像项目是由教育联合审查委员会认可的 in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) located at 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606 (www.jrcert.org).


每个健康计划都有一个在线计划申请流程,需要文件 to be uploaded and submitted complete by June 1st for evaluation.  所有信息必须上传到每个在线申请 complete.  个人、邮寄/电邮或传真递交的资料概不接受. Any 缺少文件可能会导致你的申请被拒绝.

The application must be prepared by the applicant. 邮寄地址、电子邮件和电话号码必须是最新的,以便接收通信. 请定期查看电子邮件以获取申请通知.  Applicants will be 通过邮件/电子邮件通知您的接受结果 July 1st. 有关个别入学情况的资料不会以电话方式提供; do not call 入学或直接获得项目的资格. Log in to your account to review application.

3.  Before you start the application, you will need

  1. General Education Worksheet -必须用黑色墨水笔打印和填写. The light grey shaded areas are required.

    Print General Education Worksheet

    1. Save file as – your FULL NAME GPA.pdf 
  2. ACT composite score -(接受全国或剩余测试)学位作品的成绩将被接受 for Wallace State students. Transcripts with ACT score are also acceptable. 
    1. Save file as – your FULL NAME ACT.pdf
  3. Transcript - Print most current unofficial transcript from each college previously attended. 强调通识教育工作表所列课程的最高成绩. College name must be on each transcript.  The unofficial 成绩单必须包括所有页(即使是空白页).  WSCC招生办公室不能打印其他学院的成绩单. The WSCC transcript can be obtained from your MyWallaceState account.
    1. For each individual college transcript,
      Save file as – your FULL NAME college name.pdf
    2. 如果没有上过大学,则需要高中成绩单,保存文件为- your FULL NAME HS.pdf
    3. 如果提交CLEP或AP学分,必须包括官方分数报告. Save file as – your FULL NAME CLEP.pdf
  4. State Birth Certificate  - (阿拉巴马州辐射控制条例420-3-03(6),“职业辐射 《pg电子官网》规定,所有使用电离辐射的职业工人必须 be at least 18 years of age).
    1. Save file as – your FULL NAME Birth.pdf

收集、扫描并正确命名上述所有文件后,开始申请 link below.



How to Scan to PDF
所有文件必须按照上面的指示命名,并上传到网上申请. Document format must be PDF with 16 MB limit.  All documents must be legible to be valid. 文件的所有页面(即使是空白页,全套页码)都必须是 uploaded to be complete. ** Only one image per page. If document contains multiple 这些页面必须批处理成一个单独的PDF文档.

  1. 下载免费的相机扫描仪应用程序到您的智能手机, http://www.camscanner.com/  
  2. Set up Free Basic Account.  See free tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZRaIwludu8 
  3. From App, select files to send.
  4. Add applicant email address.  Tap Send.
  5. 从电脑打开电子邮件,重命名文件如上所述,并上传至在线应用程序 when prompted.


4. Apply to the Program      APPLICATIONS OPEN MARCH 1 to JUNE 1
首次使用的用户将被要求在进入网上“创建新帐户” application. 
为了接收应用程序通知,请使用访问频率最高的电子邮件 address to “create new account”.
The application will time out after 45 minutes.  A "Save Progress" button is accessible for your convenience. The draft is saved in My Forms.  待所有文件上载及申请表填妥后,申请才算完成 has been submitted. 
应用程序可以通过登录到您的动态表单帐户进行审查/跟踪. A 申请处理完成后,我们将发送确认邮件.

Apply Online


5.  Selection
.  学生在完成所有课程要求的基础上被选中 截止日期,并根据通识教育工作表的总数进行排名.

请定期查看电子邮件以获取申请通知.  Once application information ,它将成为pg电子官网州立社区学院的财产 not be released from this application. Application data is not kept on file from previous submissions.

被录取的学生需要接受药物筛选和背景调查, as well as attend a mandatory program orientation.  Drug Testing Policy and Background Check Policy 可在卫生科网页查阅.